The Illawarra Bridge Association holds Introduction to Bridge courses regularly. Lessons are conducted at 7 pm on Tuesdays, and at 1 pm on Thursdays, at our hall at the Figtree Community Centre. Bridge players who wish to do a refresher course are also welcome. Requests by small groups may be able to be met at other times. The cost of the course is $80, this provides:
Enrolment and payment can occur at the first lesson, although a prior phone call from intending students to indicate the numbers attending would be appreciated. Bridge players doing a refresher course will be charged $5 per session attended. Supervised play sessions are held at the club every Tuesday night (6:30 pm) and Thursday (TAMS)(9:30 am). These sessions include a brief lesson followed by a Duplicate Bridge game. For further information, for the Tuesday evening classes please ring Marie Pickering on 0422 375 712 or email her at [email protected] or the club at [email protected]. For Thursday morning classes please ring Jill MacRae on 0414 900 239 or email her at [email protected]. Upcoming lessons will be advertised on this website Coming Events section and in the area below. The NEXT LESSONS will commence on Thursday 6 February at 1:00 pm. Further lessons are being offered for the first time commencing on Monday morning 24 March. Please contact Marie on 0422375712 for the details.